Landon's Web

There has got to be something more then just this spider web,
holding me down, making me feel trapped, it's got my legs tangled.
I know I'm going to get out before the spider eats me,
but I feel like time is my enemy and patience is killing me.
I'm going to grow up, I won't be stuck here for ever, 
There is an entire forest for me to crawl in, just waiting for me, 
but the forest has to realize that I'm working on it.
Patience is the forest's enemy too.


I'm going to stop looking at my life as if it's one big story, one big picture as to say.  Rather, I'm going to look at it as multiple stories.  I'm going to live my life with multiple purposes.  Everyone has their purposes, not one person lives their life only to have one purpose.  The biggest purpose in life is to worship and glorify the same God who placed six million leaves on an average elm tree, and for that reason, because he placed six million leaves on an average elm tree. He deserves our glory and deserves our praise.  My purpose yesterday may have been to save my friends life.  My purpose today may have been to talk to that same friend and let her know she is not alone.  Her purpose for me was to tell me the same thing.  My purpose several years ago was to help a good friend through an ugly divorce.  My purpose a few weeks ago was to comfort a close friend.  I will continue to live with many purposes and all of them will add up together to make the big picture until I have reached the end, the ultimate goal, which is finally meeting God.  We all have purposes that we must live out, it's having faith in God and trust in him that we must all work on in order to get our story told. 

Love and Live

You seem to have life by the horns, 
I tell you to let go.
Let go and just live.
Live your life the way it was meant to be lived.
Love your life.  Love others.  Love yourself.
When your time comes, it will be the right time. 
When it comes accept it.
Don't look back on your life, 
and wish there was more.
Don't die with regrets.
Live now, and die later.
Your time to shine is in this very moment, God is calling to you.
Celebrate his name by proclaiming your life, 
living your life, loving your life.
Let go of the horns.  Live life.


My friend doesn't like it when her sister put puts her dirty clothes in her clean clothes pile.  So to prove that she was doing it, I set up a hidden camera in their room to catch her sister read handed.  Too bad I got her making babies with her boyfriend instead.


I tell you to long, 
for longing is want,
and we need want, 
because want leads to hope, 
and hope leads to faith,
which is essentially the most important thing.


My car is white.  It's a 1996 Lincoln Continental but it drives like a 1989 Geo Metro.  When I got in it this morning, I listened to it growl at me as the hydraulics worked their magic.  As soon as it was done I turned my key in the ignition and listened to my car start and stop.  I turned the key again and revved the engine a little, it stayed on.  My radio wasn't working, I pounded on the dash to try and get some noise, all I heard was my fist pounding on the dash.  The clock light was too dim to read so I took out my phone to see what time it was, I dropped it between the center console and the drivers seat.  I slid my hand down the thin crack to retrieve my phone and my fingernail got caught on the lip of the metal underneath my seat, it bent back and began to bleed.  I got my phone.  I looked over to see that I still hadn't shut my door, so I shut it.  The door made a loud noise, as if something inside of it was loose.  I opened the door and shook it, it clanked, something inside of it was loose.  I shut my door again, I started my car again, I buckled up again.  The service engine light was on, I popped the trunk, took out my longboard, and began riding down the street.

This Morning

I woke up this morning in a bed that wasn't mine.  I was facing the window.  The blinds were open so the sun was shining right in my eyes.  I could feel skin on my back and could hear breathing, it was also not mine.  I looked over my shoulder, I saw her.  I didn't know who she was.  I got up and put my clothes on, everything but my underwear, I seemed to have misplaced them.  I went into the bathroom, washed my face, used her toothbrush, then left.
My watch told me it was 5:43 a.m. but it had been broke since last summer.  I looked across the street and saw line of pay phones.  I didn't see my car and my cellphone was in my car the last time I checked, so I began to walk over to the pay phones to call for a ride.  I put two quarters, it began ringing.
"I need a ride, I don't know where I am."
"Well, where are you?"
"I'm at a phone booth next to a Burger King on North Clark."
"Ok, wait there."
I waited there for fifteen minutes, sitting on a dirty park bench with no underwear and only my thin work pants between us to block it from touching my skin.  I got tired of waiting, so I picked up the phone again, I put two quarters in, it began ringing.
"I need a ride, I'm on North Clark by Burger King sitting on a dirty park bench with no underwear."
"Sorry man, I'm outta town, went to the show up in Aurora."
I hung up and started walking down the sidewalk hoping I would see something familiar.
I passed a woman walking her dog.  The beast lunged at me and ripped my pants off.  I was now only wearing a shirt and shoes.  Just as this happened, a police officer drove by and saw me, naked on the sidewalk.  I already had a warrant out for me for grand theft auto, and I couldn't be pinned with indecent exposure too, so I ran.  My junk swung around like a swing at the park in the summer.  I wished now more then ever that I was wearing a jock strap.  At the corner I met Lyell, jumped in the back of his truck and he sped all the way back to our house.


I will  live my life one step at a time, 
No fear or regret, I know you're on my side.
Change occurs for the better in me most times, 
This is when I hear exactly what I see in the signs.
Get off my back you evil things, 
I'm on the right track, unstoppable wings, 
I will fly into clouds, over your heads, 
For today I am safe, until all is said.


How can I help?  There is nothing I can do.
I am lost for words.  I am speechless.
Why is the tunnel getting thinner?

Wind Chime

Can I really feel anything?
If I loose myself, will I still want everything I aspire to be?
There's a scratching at my door, but the dead bolt it melted to the wall.  
The window is open.  The screen is shut.  It's locked from the outside.
I can breathe what's out there.
I can see it.  Smell it.
You know that want is going out of style.