650 winston drive

bourbonnais il. 60914.


These holes remind me of air.
They remind me of breathing.
I never realize its there, that I'm doing it,
but it's what I do most, and I'm a pro at it.
I reach up and feel what I've done
and forget it has even happened.
Four months later, and I will be bigger.


There is no forgetting what can't be forgot,
and you my friend I can not forget.
Thinking of you is easy when I have
so much to be thankful for because of you.
Hearing from you makes me so excited,
it make me so happy, and so at ease.
I don't know what's going on there.
I don't know what you're doing,
and I can't ask you how you are doing.
All I can do, and all I do do is pray for you
and ask that angels carry you.
There is no forgetting you, my friend.
I will hopefully hear from you soon.


My Mind

My mind keeps hitting me, but I feel like I'm winning. I've learned to take these blows pretty good. I've learned to fall without breaking any bones, just getting a few little scratches, nothing I won't forget about in a few minutes. I may try to fall, only to get your attention, and when It works, its doesn't make me happy. And when It doesn't work, I feel like I need to try again. My mind trips me, but I've learned how to keep my balance, and not fall over. I think of training myself to not be so "in the past" with everything. I try to tell my mind that it's over, that I'm done, finished, I'm not going to play it's games anymore. Sometimes I hate my mind, I feel like it wants me to suffer, like it wants me to be down on myself, but then I realize, my mind is a part of me, my mind is my mind and I shouldn't be doing that to myself. I can tell though that the sun is rising, and the clouds are moving away, and I can forget about all of it soon.


Shot, stabbed, punched, bruised,
that was a good day.
Do you know where you were?
I can't believe it ended so well.
My mind has gone blank,
clouds caused the overcast.
This is a cardboard town.
The rain can ruin it all,
but that day, I remember,
everything became sober.
The stars looked closer.
Maybe I was flying,
They told me that I wasn't.
I'll keep running though.


This seems a little unfair.
But I've done the same thing.
So I really can't be mad.
Now I know how they feel.
How they must have felt.
I wish I wasn't human,
humans let humans down,
every day, all the time.
I don't like to let people down,
and I don't like to be let down.
It seems unfair to me,
I wasn't chosen to be a rabbit.

Black and White

What am I trying to write,
all of my words fall short?
Nothing that I say can completely
capture what I'm trying to tell you.
It's capturing a picture in black and white.
You can't tell what the stripes look like.
All you see are the horizontal lines
that go nowhere, and start nowhere.
I would be mad If I were you,
not being able to figure it out,
what I'm trying to say.
I don't know what I'm trying to say.
These colors around me are fading,
soon I'll see what you see.
Black and white. Start and Stop.


Im hungry, for food.
This is not a metaphor.
I just really want something to eat.
It's not like I'm saying
Im hungry for life.
No, that's funny, I'm full of life.
I need, like, some macaroni.
I ate all of my frozen pizza.
I ate all of my left over pizza.
I do have some macaroni.


My parents went out of town this week.

I have a dog, and don't let him out very often.

My house smells like pee.

Not to mention my feet smell really bad too.

It's 2:51 a.m. and I might go buy some air freshener.


There is no sweeping, especially off my feet.

Im clean. Torn, flipped upside down.

Keeping you up at night, forcing you.

Twisting your words, trailing off, one, two, three...

Throw me one less rock at a time.

Also, don't forget to wipe your feet at the door.


The drive wasn't bad
but failing to remember hurt.
Noticing all the wrong exits,
but missing what's right,
I've transformed into night.
My vision is failing,
but no matter what I still see,
for some reason.
I don't know what's possible,
because nothing impossible.

Collapsing Worlds

When the earth crumbles, where will I fall,
back to where I was before?
No, not again, I'll float to a new beginning.
A place where I can start fresh,
where my mind won't collapse under the confusion,
where the slightest thing won't set me off.
I will float there, I am floating there,
right now, I wont fall because the world is crumbling.

It's strange to feel two different ways.
I will not fight this, because I have already won.


These circles, they don't lead anywhere.
I just keep coming around to where I was before.
I feel so good and so content.
Then I come back around and like hell has me.
It's got me in it's grips and no matter what I do,
It's not going to let me go. I'm tired of waiting.
I thought this was all over, I thought I was happy for good.
What is going on, what is happening?
This circle is tricking me to believe it's a line,
and it will eventually go straight.
I see now though that this circle cannot be broken.
I will be with me for the rest of my life.
It is life, the circle.
I pray for patience, but I have to wait for it.
I pray for peace, but I'm at war with myself.
I pray for forgiveness, but still I am dirty.
When will it all end?
When can I be free from this mess?


Quit complementing me on my writing, you are so much better then me. :]

WELL, well well.

I'm sorry but there is no way I'm taking the risk of mailing you a letter.

You and I both know what might happen if they find out you've being staying in touch with me.

I'm so glad you're still working through things, and you're getting better.

That makes me so happy to hear.

When you put your faith in God and you truly believe that what he does is best for you, then nothing is impossible and you will live forever.

I'm so glad to have heard from you.

I don't know when or if you are going to be able to read this, but it will be waiting for you when you get the chance.

I still pray for you, you mean so much to me.

It's awesome, life I mean, life is just such a good thing to have, and it's something we really need to hold on to and we really need to take advantage of while we still have the chance.

Someday I plan on walking the butt with you.

I'll talk to you soon Natatat.

Your friend for life, Landon.

A Drain For Comets

I'm a comet and I live in outer space. I fly around, I mean, that's just what I do, I have no other life. It's a great view from where I'm at, usually. I can see the earth pretty clearly from here. From where I'm at, it all looks so confusing. I mean on one side of the planet, time seems to be moving at a super fast rate. There are these creatures, these animals, I do not know, that are just moving at unbearably fast speeds my eyes can hardly keep up. Then on another area of the planet, everyone is moving slow, they seem to not be in as big of a hurry as everyone else. The world never used to be like that, I mean, at least I don't remember it being that way. I'm getting sick of it, of staring at this world, it sickens me. I might fly into someday.


I've been to too many towns,
much more than glass,
cracked all over the street,
containing ruins, clung to the ground
ageless, and lifeless.

Streets that thrive on hate,
lives being ruined,
torched with pain and jealousy,
I've seen these streets,
I've walked down them.

The hole.

There is a hole in my wall,
back in the corner next to my chair.

I don't sit in that chair.
I just put things on it.

My glasses, my empty camera,
my drum sticks, blank CD's.

I don't know where the hole leads,
probably no where.

This hole, the one behind my chair,
I'd like to think it leads to a bank.

A bank that is open on sundays,
because I really need to deposit a check.

OfficeMax 2

The angel of death knows toasted croissant guy.
I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

The angel of death smiled.
A smile?

Why does he have friends?
Why do people like him.

He is death.
He kills.

Maybe thats his approach,
to look like a nice guy, to appear to be a good friend.

He can't trick me. He won't trick me.

You called me today.

Because I have heard from you, I am so much happier.

Happier than what I was before, and believe me, I was pretty happy.

I am so proud of you.

And you know, God works in such perfect ways, so we never have to worry or be afraid or have doubts or anything.

This is awesome, I'm glad you're working through things.

I'm SO glad you can stand within yourself.

Much love, Your friend always, Landon.


This notepad is unbelievably yellow.
Unbelievable? Believe It!
maybe this mountain dew will help me
wake up.

The angel of death knows someone.
They were talking when he came out of the bathroom
Then they ate together.
Maybe the sun does shine is his life. Who knows?

Of course he is
Still one of the He works for the highway
weirdest people with 12 other guys.
I have ever come into contact with.
Alex thinks he's a construction worker.

Im thirsty, what should I drink?
Mountain dew in my head and I'm alright.
Mountain Dew in my head I feel just right.

The angel of death knows barry Postumus. Doesn't he have his own freezer, he has been working at St. Mary's for ten years? Doesn't the morgue have a freezer he could use?


Stretched out arms,
consumed in mud,
filth reigns over my life,
content with almost,
sleeping through days
eyes open,
I'm condemned.


Clogged the drain
only hoping
to find that scent
that brings me goodness.

It did.


You are new, the taste, it's good.

I wish you would have been here
a month ago, two months ago.

It doesn't matter, you're here now.

I am finally happy,
and I'm taking advantage of it.

If for some reason my mind weakens again,
I can feel that your presence will help.

I am training for utopia.