My Mind

My mind keeps hitting me, but I feel like I'm winning. I've learned to take these blows pretty good. I've learned to fall without breaking any bones, just getting a few little scratches, nothing I won't forget about in a few minutes. I may try to fall, only to get your attention, and when It works, its doesn't make me happy. And when It doesn't work, I feel like I need to try again. My mind trips me, but I've learned how to keep my balance, and not fall over. I think of training myself to not be so "in the past" with everything. I try to tell my mind that it's over, that I'm done, finished, I'm not going to play it's games anymore. Sometimes I hate my mind, I feel like it wants me to suffer, like it wants me to be down on myself, but then I realize, my mind is a part of me, my mind is my mind and I shouldn't be doing that to myself. I can tell though that the sun is rising, and the clouds are moving away, and I can forget about all of it soon.

1 comment:

  1. i am so proud of you. i hope you know the change youve made. last time we spoke on the phone you sounded soo good. im happy for you. i am really good. make a new post in response to my 10000 comments or something. p.s. i have a great opportunity for you. i neeeed to call you. i wish i could see you in person. i have so much to tell you and i know a lot to hear. talk to you soon
